About The CWC Club Community

Welcome to the CWC Club Community! This space is yours to connect with, learn from, and support one another throughout your journey. ✨ 

You are welcome here if you would like to participate in the free Good Morning Girls and Love God Greatly Bible studies and are looking for an alternative to our private Facebook group.

We're a community of women doing life and learning together while following Jesus and we're happy to have you join us!

If you are participating in the Bible studies and courses provided on this website, they are supported in this community. If you have any questions or would like to have a more in-depth conversation about anything you are learning about on this site, we are happy to respond to you here. We also love to chat with each other in this group and provide space for prayer requests, announcements, and introductions as well.

If you are interested in our special community of women, please send us an email asking to join at: [email protected] and we will add you to our private CWC Club community. Please make sure to introduce yourself once you are added to the group. :-)

CWC Club Community

  • 57 members
  • 476 posts
  • Free

CWC Club Community Facilitator

Chief Inspiration Officer Alicia Bowyer

As you can probably already tell, I love Jesus! I wanted to take the knowledge I gained from over 40 years on my Christian walk and help others. The idea for CWC Club was born out of running a free online Bible study that focuses on reading through the Bible. I still run that free Bible study, and I find the women in the Bible study enjoy it, but they are also looking for more focused topics to help them learn more about Jesus and improve in various aspects of their spiritual walk. But why stop at Bible studies? I plan to add courses on relationships, parenting, money management, and health topics. I'm looking forward to what CWC Club will grow into in the future and am glad you are here with me on the journey. Grace and peace, Alicia

Join our group of epic women today

Email us at: [email protected]